Embracing Uncertainty

Lisa Plain (Petkovsek)Blog

Uncertainty is hard. Most of us prefer structure and order and control. So many of my clients feel like a failure because they haven’t figured out the next 5 years of their lives.

The ability to embrace the unknown, though, will often lead us to the best destinations, even in our careers.

Two non-career examples:

1. Have you ever gone travelling and gotten lost in a city? If you have you’ll notice that these experiences are the most memorable and you stumble upon treasures you never would have otherwise.

2. My best nights out with friends started with us not knowing where the night would take us.

There are two reasons for this: expectations and exploration.

When you embrace uncertainty you also let go of expectations. You have no idea what to expect so you have the ability to be pleasantly surprised.

Exploration, on the other hand, is the acknowledgement that we don’t know everything and we want to learn. It’s an opening of the mind and a genuine curiosity.

So, how does this relate to your career? Well, feeling uncertain can make us feel like we don’t have it all together. But in reality, embracing that uncertainty allows us to be open to new career possibilities and lead us down a new path.

If you’re ready to embrace the unknown and start your next career adventure, book your free career consultation with me at https://careerbalancecoachingscheduling.as.me/


Career Balance Coaching has been helping corporate professionals find career happiness since 2018.

You can learn more here.


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