The 6 Most Common Barriers to Career Progression

Lisa Plain (Petkovsek)Blog

And how to overcome them.

Do you feel stuck? You’re not alone. It can take months or years to finally make a change at work. Based on my work with 100s of clients, I’ve put together a list of some of the most common barriers I see that hold people back and some ideas for breaking free.
1. Lack of Time: “I’m too busy” really translates to “this isn’t a priority”. Use common time management hacks like automation and delegation (at work and in your personal life) to find the time you need to make it a priority.
2. Money: The golden handcuffs – when you feel comfortable enough with your salary and worry that you will lose your financial stability. Plan ahead or speak with a financial advisor to make decisions on financial facts, not feelings or worries.
3. Energy: Your current job is sucking the life out of you and you don’t have the energy to make a change. Work on setting boundaries that make sense. Pay attention to the worst part of your day and talk to your boss about mitigating that.
4. Skill/Knowledge Gap: You don’t have the skills to do the job you want. Do research, take a course, job shadow.
5. Lack of Direction: You’re paralyzed by choice. Undertake self-discovery to find out what you really want: interests, skills, values, motivation, preferences, personality style. There are many clues to help you make the right choice.
6. Fear: Of the unknown; Of failure; imposter syndrome. All very real feelings and all conquerable with courage and support.
What’s keeping you stuck? If you’re interested in exploring more, check out my coaching offerings here.


Career Balance Coaching has been helping corporate professionals find career happiness since 2018.

You can learn more here.


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